I've been a regular Facebook user since June 2010. Like every user, login page is the one thing I absolutely hate. Same crappy message, everyday, everytime I log in. The very first thing facebook says on the login page is "Facebook helps you connect with the people in your life" (Awesome, we know that already fellas). In my opinion, this description is as incomplete as my education. I beg to differ. The tagline should have been, "Facebook helps you connect with the people in your life AND get to understand what they really are in reality". Use it consciously, and you'll certainly notice what's written here.
You see, I spend more more observing people than actually communicating with them. The moment you talk to someone, the mechanism called "internal firewall" begins to function and all you can see is the trojan horse, the mask that this firewall keeps outside. So, just observing people does me a hell lot of good than idiotic, mind-numbing, brainless chatter. (Dexter Morgan, are you reading this???) The same goes for facebook. Log on, get offline, watch the people. Fun (and creepy).
Well, observation number one is, quite obvious. Everybody's a winner.. No one is a loser on facebook. Ever. everyone is friggin' perfect. Even the faults one has are described to make them sound like a saint. Have a look at this, for example: "I'm scary but cute" (???). Well, I couldn't, and still can't respond to a description like this. It makes me go all dizzy. Everyone is a demi-god here. Omnipotent and omniscient.
Observation number two is: you'll see everyone post anything and everything, however significant or otherwise, on their facebook wall for everyone to see. Pass an exam?? post it. Get a job? share it. Celebrate your b'day? Upload the pictures. Visit a friend ?? Thank him/her by adding dozens of hearts and kisses smilies. Hell, you get a haircut, and upload it. Seems extreme, doesn't it?
Observation Three: This may be one of the few "matriarchial societies", and possibly the largest ever . If you're a guy, well, tough luck, mate. You're going to have it rough. People will ask a hundred times, "Do i know you?? Why should I accept your request?" If you're a girl.. well, no questions asked. The world is your oyster. "I'm glad to have you as a friend, ma'am!" (is anyone drunk enough to disagree with me here??)
Then, observation number four is actually funny and quite common, too. Go check the comments under the photograph of a pretty girl. you'll see variations of this comment: heyyy.. looking.. beauty... dear.. niceeeee! I lyk u :) (an actual comment copy-pasted from a friend's account) Check the pics of a hundred girls with pretty faces, you'll see tons of comments like these, albeit with a few variations.
Observation five is pretty straightforward: the greater number of friends you have, greater is your cool quotient. Friend invitations are just like flyers distributed everywhere. Free, open for everyone, and most of the times, equally useless. Accept a request and the only thing you're going to know about the person is... just that. His request to add you as a friend. If you don't want to interact, what's the use of being a friend?
Then there's a somewhat important, not-so-light matter. Those of you involved in creative stuff and/or have a page for your services must have experienced this. Someone unpopular does some really great stuff like, wildlife photography, creative writing, poetry, etc and shares it with people, his work will be noticed by just 10-20% of his/her friends. Moreover, he won't get the appreciation he deserves, and hence, will feel low. On the other hand, picture this: someone popular or "cool", even if he goes to a freaking water park, will get a hundred likes and generic comments. (whatever happened to fairness in this cruel, cruel world?. (I guess "Life is a bitch" has its origin in facebook. Necessity is the mother of invention, right?)
The only thing I wish for is honesty. People feel cheated when they don't get that. Be frank guys; don't try to pretend what you're not. It always brings Headache, Heartache and bad digestion later on. I'm not anti-facebook; indeed I'm greatful to facebook for providing me an opportunity to be a part of something big like thewackyheads, which I'm almost sure i wouldn't have otherwise been able to accomplish... I just want a little transparency. So do you. Be honest!